Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Having a sturdy time getting laptop primed to put up for sale.?

I enjoy read some of the other posts about how to clean your computer since you sell it but the problem I am have is that it takes the laptop so long to do anything that it eventually times out. It be running so for a long time because I had so much on it. When I whip off programs it runs a short time faster but I want to return it back to factory settings back I sell it so to build sure it is working properly and if not I will freshly put it up for parts or repair on the listing. Any minister to would be greatly appreciated. It is a Dell Inspiron 8200.


Formatting the hard drive won't completely erase the information on your strong disk. File recovery software will still know how to locate and restore files. What you'll want to do is look for a disk wipe utility that will completely overwrite the disk with zero, ones, and then a hit and miss pattern. After that, you can use your system restore disk from the peddler and you should be pretty comfortable that whoever you sell it to won't find any personal information (login/passwords, emails, photos, credit card info, etc...) of yours.

A example disk wipe utility is listed here (others exist so pick one to be precise appropriate for you)
just format your harddrive.

and variety sure to put - No OS installed

when you are selling it.
tap f10 repeatedly when you first turn it on, and that will start the dell os restore part.

just follow the prompts from near.

you want the volatile restore.

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