Monday, September 13, 2010

Glossy vs. regular laptop blind?

15.4 or 17, whats the diffefence between polished and reg.


a 17 screen is going to be pretty big, but to be precise going to add bulk to the laptop and make it profoundly bigger than one with a 15.4 inch eyeshade. If you are not going to travel a lot near the laptop or want a large blind size than the 17 should be can always hook up an external monitor to the laptop, though, if you find that the peak size is too small. A glossy eyeshade produces more vibrant colors than matte screens, but the trade rotten is that you tend to get closely of glare. If you are going to be working outside or surrounded by areas with bright lights, you may want to consider getting the matte blind. However, it is basically adjectives preference--if possible, look at both a glossy and matte blind before you buy your laptop. Hope this help...
glossy is mode better its because it looks nice for me and i think it have better quality than regular laptop blind...but the difference is glossy imitate image approaching in regular TV but the other one doesn't......if you know what i suggest

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