Monday, September 13, 2010

Hard Drive interrogate?

How do i draw from about 5 GB within my harddrive(HD)

i have a Mac OS X notebook

1 GB of bump

but not enough within my hard drive to play World of Warcraft which needs-

Mac(R) OS X 10.3.9:

933 MHz or complex G4, or G5, or Intel processor

512 MB RAM or higher; DDR RAM recommended

ATI or NVIDIA(R) video hardware near 32 MB VRAM or more

6.0 GB available HD space

4x CD-Rom drive

56k or better Internet connection

i hold everything but the 6.0 GB available in Hd



1) Delete programs (Such as iPhoto, it inhospitable surroundings 10 GB)

2) Buy an external HDD
Remove stuff or get a bigger firm drive. No other choices.
Look for a tool to remove the excess languages built into OSX, they in actual fact take up profoundly of space.

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