Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Heavy Sigh! How do I mute/change the startup nouns on my MacBook Pro!!!!?

Gawd! I LOVE my MacBook Pro - running OSX 10.4.9 - but I revulsion the startup BONG!!!! noise. How do I mute or adapt it?

Do not send me here.....

Been in attendance, installed that, doesn't open when I progress into System Prefs. Says the program won't open on this computer!

One for Mr. Jobbs, I imagine. Buggered if I can work this one out!


Friends don't let friends drive Mac.
This is a different utility:

Here is a channel to do it using a script:

(I'm not a Mac user so I can't vouch for these)
I deem that if you mute your computer while it is turned on, the startup sound should be muted as all right when you start it up the next time.

thats adjectives I have to do for my iBook, but it could diverge for the MacBook Pro.

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