Wednesday, September 15, 2010


this is probably a stupid sound out but...

is there anyway to thieve the actual hard disk from a electrically fried tough drive and use it in a different complicated drive shell? i have really really really vital information on it and am so afraid that i lost it forever!!!


In a word no.
No that would not be possible, but it is possible for the data to be retrieved at price by professionals
i am sorry noooo unless you own a FBI as a friend who has come tricks nooo sorry......
No that is to say why it is recommended to burn all your central info to a CD or rescue it to disk.I have to own up though back give or take a few 5 years ago I did do this I had 2 frozen drives exactly the same and only switched the electronics from the good to the fruitless. you need a special screwdriver bit and a prayer.Not for a trainee.
if you are lucky you can replace the circuitboard on the hard drive
You would hold to get a professional to remove and remount the platters for you. I've never agreed any one who's done it, and I bet it would cost a bit. You could try contacting the manufactures.

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